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Text File Encryption and Decryption System Based on ASE Algorithm using Java
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T. Harishankar, Ms. Sarika Jain and Dr. S. Geetha


Distributed storage has turned into an essential industry in far off information the executive’s administration yet in addition draws in security concerns, where the most ideal that anyone could hope to find approach for forestalling information revelation is encryption. Among them the public key encryption with watchword search (PKSE) is viewed as a promising method, since clients can productively look through over encoded information records. That is, a client initially creates a pursuit token when to question information records, the cloud server utilizes the hunt token to continue the inquiry over scrambled information documents. In any case, a serious assault is raised when PKSE meets cloud. Officially talking, the cloud server can become familiar with the data of a recently added encoded information record containing the catchphrase that recently questioned by utilizing the pursuit tokens it has gotten, and can additionally find the security data. To resolve this issue, we propose a forward secure public key accessible encryption conspire, in which a cloud server can't gain proficiency with any data about a recently added encoded information record containing the catchphrase that recently questioned. To all the more likely comprehend the plan guideline, we present a structure for developing forward secure public key accessible encryption plans in light of property based accessible encryption. At last, the trials show our plan is productive.

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