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Ms.T.Saratha Preetha Mrs.V.Tamilselvi and Dr.B.Velmurugan



There seems to be more pressure to be successful than ever before. While doing the job of two or three people at work, we’re expected to be exemplary parents and have a fulfilling personal life in which we rear perfect children, enjoy our hobbies, volunteer in the community and take superb care of our bodies, spirits, and minds. While the quest for balance is a wonderful goal, it’s just not a realistic goal for most folks. Instead, it has become one more “to-do” on an ever-expanding, guilt-inducing list. There are times when we need to work more than usual and other times when we can take more time off. Sometimes we can focus more intently on our hobbies and passions; at other times different priorities take precedence. There may be times when we take really good care of ourselves, and other times when that slips a bit; times where we devote a lot of attention to our family, and other times when there is less energy and daily time to focus on them. The aim of balance is to live a well-rounded life, to renew and refresh your creative energies on a regular basis so you can achieve your highest potential. We achieve life balance when we have enough time to pursue both work and personal interests that we love. However, when you feel as if one side of your life is using up too much of your energy, you can become stressed, your productivity can fall, and your personal relationships can become strained. The present paper highlights the risks associated with work life imbalance, benefits of healthy work life balance and the strategies that can be employed to maintain a perfect work life balance.

Key words: work-life balance, work -life balance strategies

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