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A Medical, Social and Spiritual Perspective of Healthy Lifestyle in Modern Society
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Dr. S. G. Praveenakumar, Dr. R. M. Hiremath and Dr. Ashok Kumar


Lifestyle describes a complex behavioural  strategies and routines, attitudes and values, norms assumed in order to individual or group to score as convenient in a social context. The  importance  of  medical  education  in  terms  of  healthy  lifestyle  is  very  well recognized nowadays. Lifestyle  medicine offers important  information about nutrition, physical activity, stress control and social support systems. Lifestyle can be treated as an indicator of social attitudes and of the ideologies that are functioning in the social space. In aboriginal tribes, eating behaviors had a strong religious imprint referring directly to obtain  favors from  the  gods as  health,  wealth, healing  and  long life.  Even  if blatant promotion  of a  lifestyle can  produce  civilization, modelling  behaviours,  yet strongly promoting a lifestyle can become a subtle tool of manipulation and control. Following a healthy lifestyle, regardless of age, will have numerous health benefits, being proven that it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, decreases incidence of obesity and diabetes, the  risk  of  malignancy,  psychiatric  disorders  and  cognitive  dysfunction.  The  actual guidelines in preventive cardiovascular medicine provide the  most important rules for physical training and healthy diet.

Keywords: lifestyle, health, body, nutrition, physical activity


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