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A Review on Asexual Reproduction System in Plants
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K Ramesh Department of Electrical& Electronics Engineering, Bapatla Engineering College Bapatla, India


Artificial propagation is the process of growing plants artificially. Artificial propagation is a type of vegetative reproduction in which breeding or growing plants is done using parts of the parent plants like stems, roots, and leaves. In the method of cutting, a new stem grows from the branch fixed into the soil. This new stem grows into another plant. If we cut small shoots or bugs from the plant stem and attach the cut portion to the plant, this process is known as grafting. If we bend one of its lower branches of the plant to the ground and cover it with soil known as mound layering, that leads to the development of new roots. For cashews we remove the bark of a branch from one of his plants and then cover the area with moss or cotton bandage and if water it daily, this method is called aerial layering.In multicellular organisms cell division just gives us more cells, we don't get brand-new individuals and therefore this will not work as a reproduction method for multicellular organisms. And therefore, in this paper the focus is on the reproductive methods for multicellular organisms. Specifically budding, fragmentation and spore formation.

Keywords: Cutting, Stem, Artificial vegetation, Rooting, Commercial.

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