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A study on the Works On mudrᾱrᾱkşasa | |
Author Name Ipsita De and Dr Dikshita Ajwani Abstract The distinction between descriptive and analytical research rests on the question he asks. Descriptive research attempts to determine, describe or identify what is, while analytical research attempts to establish why this is so or how it occurs Descriptive research classifies, describes, compares and measures data. Waiting analytical research focuses on causes and effects. For example, take the numbers on the evolution of trade deficits between the United States and the rest of the world in 2015- 2018. This is descriptive research. The analytical method is a generic process combining the power of the scientific method with the use of formal processes to solve any type of problem issue. Analytical methods help to develop the reasoning power of students. The drama MudrᾱrᾱkŞasa of Sanskrit origin very powerful poet in vishakhadatta. Published On : 2023-12-18 Article Download : |