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An effective technique for expressing and recognizing feelings | |
Author Name SUMIT KUMAR ROY and ABINASH KUMAR Abstract In addition to the traditional problems with facial images captured in uncontrolled settings, such as different poses, different lighting and expressions for facial recognition, and different audio frequencies for emotion recognition. For any face and emotion detection system, the database is the most important part to compare facial features and Mel frequency audio components. To create a database, facial features are calculated and these features are stored in the database. This database is then used for facial and emotion evaluation using various algorithms. In this article, we will implement an efficient method to create a database of facial features and emotions, which will then be used to recognize a person's face and emotions. We use the Viola-Jones face detection algorithm for face detection from the input image, and the KNN classifier is used to evaluate face and emotion detection.
Key Words: Face Detection, Facial Expression Recognition,Feature Extraction, Mel Frequency Component, Published On : 2023-06-16 Article Download : |