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Aileen Sonia P, S.Murali K.Prasanth K.Saravanan M.Vinayagamoorthi


In electric vehicles, batteries are the primary source of power. The battery we use in electric vehicles are not that efficient andrequires charging after few miles. So here isthe idea of New battery management system. This study presents a comprehensive overview of this relatively revolutionary and gratifying solution for battery difficulties in electric vehicles, as well as an in-depth investigation of it. In this new battery management system, we divide the battery in two half. One half is for charging and the other half is for discharging. For charging, we use renewable energy sources such as solar panels, regenerative braking, regenerative suspension, and so on. While one half is charging, the other half is discharging simultaneously. When the other half is dischargedcompletely, we use the charged portion of the battery, and a discharged portion is kept for charging. Due to this management, we don’t require external charging and the vehiclebecomes autonomous itself for charging and we are not usingtwo different batteries, so there will be no space problem. This paper aims at highlighting the construction and analyzing this battery management system in detail; So study its advantage, potential applications. Also, it’s capacity in solving the inclination problem of the electric vehicle.


Keywords—Battery, Battery Management System,Autonomous Vehicles, Electric Vehicles

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