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Author Name SINDHU PRIYADHARSHINI C , SURTHI K and RAMYA S S Abstract Around 285 million people worldwide are visually impaired, including roughly 246 million who have limited vision and 39 million who are blind, according to statistics from the World Health Organization. Without a human guide, blind people have a great deal of difficulty navigating unfamiliar territory. Knowing the location of obstacles and other sources of interference is crucial for visually impaired people when they are in new or unfamiliar environments because it enables secure and safe travel. The problems that people with visual impairments encounter will be addressed by our project. To use a navigation and alerting system to lead the blind. A camera is used to take pictures of the items. Using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology, the collected images are transformed into VOICE messages.
Keywords— Ultrasonic Sensor, OCR technology, Text to Voice message, Navigation Published On : 2023-03-09 Article Download : |