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Author Name VIGNESH S, MANOJ A2 SELVARANJANI C, C LEKA SRI N Abstract Agriculture is the main occupation of India. Agriculture is considered as the vital sector of Indian economy. It provides 50% employment all over India. Major issues faced by Indian farmers are insufficient water supply, less use of equipments nearby, following same crop pattern followed by ancestors and nearby farmers, lack of awareness about government schemes, poor storage facilities, rate moderation, market availability for bulk and little quantity and transportation problems. Nowadays, we can see agriculture is booming because of young minds interest towards farming. These young minds already have little knowledge in farming. Online portal for crop management will help them to get better knowledge in agriculture. Less use of equipments nearby is the major issue found which make the booming process move in descending order. Portal for rental machineries will make the nearby machinery holders visible to everyone. Portal with crop growth details, additional income generating ideas, vegetables availability and rental equipment details will help in booming of agriculture.
Keywords—Agriculture, rental machineries, online portal, crop managementPublished On : 2023-03-08 Article Download : |