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Author Name Dr.S.Parthiban,I.Ajithabanu,S.Dineshwaran,K.Sivaharish,B.Karthik Abstract The irrigation system with digital image processing technique using leaf measurement and IoT is a cutting-edge approach to regulating water usage in agriculture. By integrating digital image processing technology with IoT devices, this system provides accurate and timely data on plant water requirements, allowing farmers to adjust water supply according to their needs. The benefits of this system include optimizing water usage, reducing water wastage, promoting healthy plant growth, and reducing the risk of diseases caused by overwatering or underwatering. However, the cost of the system components and the accuracy of the image analysis software are limitations that need to be considered. Overall, this system offers a reliable and cost-effective way to monitor and regulate water usage in agriculture. KEYWORD: IoT, Irrigation, Digital image processing, leaf measurement Published On : 2023-05-08 Article Download : |