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Effect of Aerobic Exercises on Reaction Time of Kho Kho Players of Social Welfare Residential Degree Colleges for Women in Telangana State
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A.Hymavathi and Sr. Prof. V. Satyanaryana


The Purpose of the Study is to find out Effect of Aerobic Exercises   on Reaction Time of Kho Kho Players of social welfare Residential degree Colleges for women in Telangana State between the age group of 17 to 22 Years. The study was formulated as a true random group design consisting of a pre-test and post-test. The subjects (N=45) were randomly assigned to three equal groups of Fifteen college women Kho-Kho players in each. The groups were assigned as experimental group I – (step aerobic exercises), Experimental Group II (floor aerobic exercises) and control group respectively. Pre tests were conducted for all the 45 subjects on selected reaction time Test. After the experimental period of twelve weeks post-test were conducted and the scores were recorded with Reaction time Test. It was concluded that 12 weeks step aerobics training significantly improved discriminatory reaction time of women kho-kho players. Key Words, Aerobic Exercises, Reaction time, Kho Kho Players

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