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Hand Gesture Based Sign Language Interpreter
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Kirubaharan A Department of Artificial Intelligence and data science, Bannari Amman Institute of technology Sathyamangalam


Sign language (SL) serves as the primary mode of communication for millions of individuals with hearing and speech impairments globally. However, it remains a language that is largely inaccessible to the general public, which poses a barrier to effective communication. This paper presents a static hand gesture-based sign language recognition system using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). We utilize a dataset consisting of Indian Sign Language (ISL) gestures, including 26 alphabets and 10 digits. Our system uses image processing techniques for hand segmentation, followed by CNN-based classification. With a testing accuracy of 99.89% and validation accuracy of 99.85% over 5 epochs, our system proves to be effective and reliable in recognizing ISL gestures. This work provides a robust foundation for real-time applications aimed at facilitating communication between the hearing impaired and the general public.



Keywords—CNN, Sign Language Recognition, Indian Sign Language, Gesture Recognition, Deep Learning

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