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Healthcare Management System using Cryptography Encryption (Web Security)
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T. Srinivasan, Dr. T. Kumanan, Ms. Sarika Jain and Dr. S. Geetha


In this Covid-19 situation the peoples are very afraid to go to the hospitals in this pandemic situation. So that many of the hospitals the appointment system and the consultant systems are working through in Online websites. Our motive of this project is creating a website to communicate between Doctor and Patient describe about their Issues And add a prescription by the doctor to the appointed patient and main stream of our project is Encrypt the conversation between the doctor and the patient. It will create a trustworthy service to the patient view. Many of the online based hospitality website the customer didn’t satisfied about the security of his data. In these days many of the sites have in data leaks through cyberattacks and steal our confidentiality data of the patient so that it leads to the deadliest cause to him. So that we have going to use advance encryption system (AES) method to protect our doctor and patient database. We will give you assurance that our patient details will be secure. So that Patient fill his details and put a lock for his data so that it will be encrypted. In the other scenario the appointed doctor where he will also not be viewing his patient details because it was encrypted one. So, doctor called to the patient and then collect a secret key of his encrypt data so that doctor can decode his patient details and view his information and add a prescription for his patient. So that Hacker cannot be Decrypt the data. And we have another system call option to get online appointment. Our hospitality site will provide a affordable cost for the online Consultant check-up.

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