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Dr.A.BlessingMary, Assistant Professor in Education Mother Teresa Womens University, Kodaikanal


            According to Adler all humans experience feelings of inferiority as children and spend the rest of their lives trying to compensate for those feelings. As people replace the dependence of childhood with the independent of adulthood, the feelings of inferiority persist in varying intensity in different people.  For some people, the sense of inferiority serves as a positive motivating factor, as they strive to improve themselves in an effort to neutralize the negative feeling of inferiority some, however, become dominated and, as a result, crippled – by an over whelming sense of inadequacy. These people, whose thoughts are so overtaken by these feelings that they cannot function normally, are said to have an inferiority feeling.

            Subsequent success or failure is determined by the ability to adjust the inferiority feeling to the demands of life. Normal development requires the recognition of one’s limitations and capacities in order to achieve a profitable balance in emotional maturity. The inferiority complex is different from the inferior feeling of which the former is the master but the later can become a servant to the individual. The deeper insecurity has nothing to with identifiable threats. But perhaps we prefer to project our uncaused precariousness on to some definite danger in the world, because it is more acceptable to fear crime, cancer or cartheft than to admit that we are scared and insecure for no particular reason. But mind can neither comprehend nor control this deepest insecurity of being.

Achievement test is one of the tools of examination used for diagnosis and prognosis. The diagnostic aim is achieved when the teacher is able to find out the specific learning difficulties of the pupils. From this the teacher is able to predict their readiness for proceeding to new areas of knowledge. Thus, the teacher is able to guide the pupils and can engage in profitable remedial teaching as it gives him detailed general impression about the academic achievement of the students. The level of regard of self and one’s own ability predicts the level of school success, only the child who doesn’t have the feelings of inferiority and insecurity shines in the academic career.

Keywords: Education, Inferiority, Insecurity, Academic Achievement etc.

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