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Indian education philosophy from ancient times to the contemporary era
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Partha Sarathi Mondal and Dr. Navneet Kumar Singh


In the early 20th century, philosophy of education emerged as a separate academic field within philosophy. There have been several approaches to the philosophy of education that offer the essential philosophical presuppositions or assumptions of each philosophical system, such as realism, idealism, and pragmatism, in terms of metaphysics, epistemology, and axiology. It has always been assumed that philosophy is the acquisition of wisdom that influences life when it is taken seriously, he said. Following this proclamation of philosophical concepts, a discussion of the implications of these views for educational aims is followed, along with the nature, content, and other educationally pertinent aspects. You can also keep the conversation focused on important educational topics, such as the student, program objectives, assessment, punishment, etc. For each of these subjects, we contrast traditional versus modern, progressive versus essentialist, democratic versus authoritarian, etc. Every approach has advantages and disadvantages. Philosophical systems such as pragmatism and realism, for example, provide novices with insight into coherent systems of thinking and many of the educational concepts and practices they generate. Several philosophical concepts covered by the systems have little to do with education, and general philosophical concepts usually aren't helpful in solving educational problems. There is a relationship between philosophy and education, as suggested by the phrase "philosophy of education."Philosophy can be used to infer some fairly specific pedagogical principles and practices, according to some philosophers. A set of educational standards that is consistent with an individual's philosophical views will be accepted.This article discuss about  the Indian education philosophy from ancient time to the contemporary era.


Key Words:  Education, Epistemology, Philosophy, Pragmatism

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