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Author Name Mr.M.Dheiventhiran Dr.S.Saranya and Dr.B.Velmurugan Abstract Job satisfaction is one of the most widely researched subjects in the area of organizational behavior and human resource management. Satisfied employees are likely to be more productive and committed to their job and committed employee implies low turnover. Due to globalization of health sector there is a lot of migration of employees towards good opportunities, overall growth and satisfied job. Health care sector is more people centric service sector which is growing rapidly in recent years. Ensuring hospital employee job satisfaction is important to retain the employees and to deliver health services effectively. This paper presents review of past literature of job satisfaction among hospital employees. The purpose of the review is to identify gaps and explore different factors affecting job satisfaction. On the basis of previous literature review, it has been found that apart from monetary benefits other motivational factors such as recognition, autonomy, achievement, opportunities for growth and development were positively correlated with job satisfaction. Keywords: Job satisfaction, hospital employees, factors affecting job satisfaction Published On : 2024-07-15 Article Download : |