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Author Name Smita Banerjee and Dr.Sachin Kumar Abstract In developing countries like India Second largest population’s livelihood depends on common property resources (CPR) that have often been associated with high rates attached by the poor in discounting future flow of benefits, improper property rights, degraded social value, and social protection. economic insecurity. Forest land appears to be the most important common pool resource which can capable of providing wherewithal of life to a vast section of people for its diverse type of timber and non-timber benefit including environmental benefit. The present-day problem related to this area concentrated on high poverty rate, gender conflict. This study focuses on status-wise forest dependency, types of NTFP (Non-Timber Forest Product) and their relative dependency to forest dwellers, villager’s perception towards forest management and feeling threat to being evacuated from their own land, etc. This study also investigates the characteristics of Agricultural Land. It includes the socio-economic issues related to the livelihood status of forest dwellers. The main objective of this study is to help the government making policy regarding the development of the livelihood status of the selected areas. Published On : 2024-03-18 Article Download : |