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Management of Electronic Content development in Education
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Educational system around the world is undergoing increasing pressure to use the new information and communication technology to acquaint students with the knowledge and information, they require in this techno savvy Era. To develop a knowledge society, it is essential to integrate ICT at all levels of education system. Econtent is a very powerful tool of education. It is the latest method of instruction that has attracted attention of learners and teachers of all instruction systems. It is the valuable resource for development of information rich society where everyone, irrespective of cast, religion, race, region and gender bias are empowered to create , receive share and utilize information and knowledge for their economic , social, cultural and political upliftment and development. The present research paper focuses on the assessment of effectiveness of e-Content in teaching Environment Education among the secondary school students of VallabhVidyanagar. The study was conducted using experimental method. The finding proved that the experimental group students were better than the control group student which was reflected in the scores gained by scores. Thus, it can be concluded that econtent proves to be is very useful tool for teaching green consumerism at secondary level.

 Keywords: e-content, contemporary education system, green consumerism.

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