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Author Name Dr.S.K. Karimulla Abstract The paper highlights that globalization needs more peace universities forever to sustain the gospel of Gandhian thought and human civilization. Since the very dawn of human civilization, the Hindu mind has reflected on the true nature of universe and man and their interrelationship. The depth and profundity of their enquiry in this regard is revealed in various schools of philosophy developed in India. The quintessence of the Upanishadic thought is that Brahman alone exists without a second. Atma itself is Brahman. All this is Brahman, I am Brahman, so art thou, and that which is in microcosm is also in the macrocosm Brahman is all pervading, it is subtler than the subtlest and larger than the largest. All objects and events in the physical world are interdependent and inseparable parts of the “Cosmic whole”. The whole and its parts are constantly and mutually interacting. Consciousness is the essential aspects of the universe. The holistic approach prohibits the domination or torture of nature, since man and his environment are inseparable. Human kind must learn to live in peace and harmony with nature. Published On : 2023-08-31 Article Download : |