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Author Name M.John Bosco, M.Mary Synthuja Jain Preetha Abstract The major losses in power system is mainly happen in transmission and distribution side. Among this the distribution side losses are dominated due to low voltage and small size of conductors. This paper proposes the utilization of the renewable energy which is generated by the photovoltaic cell and to make a better efficient system. The physical complication due to wiring is avoided by using wireless power transmission (WPT) technique. In this WPT the generated power from PV system is transmitted through the transmitter coil and received through the receiver coil .The generated power from the solar PV system is maximized using charge controller and power is converted into ac by using inverters and transmitted through wireless power transmission. The PV system power is converted to high frequency AC signal and transmitted by using wireless power transmitter. In this paper we generate the power from solar photovoltaic and transmit the power to the load through the WPT by using induction principle .The transmitted power is received by using receivers and modified into various ranges based on the requirement of load. By implementing the wireless power transmission technique, the losses occurs during the distribution of power get reduced .This technique requires less cost for the construction when compare to the grid. Also it requires less maintenance. The flexibility of the system is high. Published On : 2024-05-30 Article Download : |