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Psychological Safety of NEUST SIC Employees | |
Author Name Eloisa C. Gabriel, Maricar H. Sison, Glenda Gazzingan, Rodella F. Salas Abstract This study aimed to determine the Psychological safety of faculty and non-teaching personnel at Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology San Isidro Campus. The descriptive method was utilized using the Psychological Safety instrument ” developed by Edmondson (2018). In determining the profiles of demographic variables (age, gender, educational attainment, years of service, position) and Psychological safety, Frequencies-Percentage was used. Descriptive statistics was also utilized to describe and determine the respondents in terms of their level of psychological safety. The research is consisted of 53 respondents , faculty and non-teaching personnel presently employed at NEUST San Isidro campus. According to research findings, the majority of the respondents have some psychological safety but could increase, and only a few have a good amount of psychological safety. Finally, the findings suggest that the administration should sustain its rapport among the faculty and staff members by continuously breaking the barriers that exist between the members and leader, keeping the doors open for new ideas and innovations, and providing a larger space for improvements.. Key Words: faculty, Psychological safety, Non- teaching personnel Published On : 2024-06-30 Article Download : |