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Author Name RENU BUNDEL SHAKYAWAR and ABINASH KUMAR Abstract Image encryption has been a popular research field in recent decades. This paper reviews various image encryption schemes, in terms of better performance in terms of randomnessproperties and security level. Image encryption needs to provide the necessary properties for a secureimage encryption scheme including confusion and diffusion properties. Image encryption schemesmust satisfy the required performance tests such as large key space, high high-severity and acceptableencryption speed. These characteristics make it a suitable candidate for use in cryptographic applications. Literature survey aims to explore all the past analysis works performed within the concernedresearchtopic; so that new concepts will be generated for future work. The literature survey has seen anyanalys is works performed for encoding and cryptography of a picture Keywords:Cryptography;ColorImage;Algorithm ImageEncryption,Image encryption, Artificial intelligence Published On : 2023-08-31 Article Download : |