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Review of Development Ascendable QoS Founded Resource provisioning Context | |
Author Name GARVIT JAIN and LOKENDRA SINGH SONGARE Abstract In todays growing cloud world, where users are continuouslydemanding a large number of services or resources at the same time, cloudproviders aim to meet their needs while maintaining service quality, an ideal QoSbasedresource provisioning is required. In the consideration of the quality-ofserviceparameters, it is essential to place a greater emphasis on the scalabilityattribute, which aids in the design of complex resource provisioning frameworks.This study aims to determine how much work is done in light of scalability as themost important QoS attribute. We first conducted a detailed survey on similarQoS-based resource provisioning proposed frameworks/techniques in this article,which discusses QoS parameters with increasingly growing cloud usageexpectations. Second, this paper focuses on scalability as the main QOScharacteristic, with types, issues, review questions and research gaps discussed indetail, revealing that less work has been performed thus far. We will try to addressscalability and resource provisioning problems with our proposed advance scalableQoS-based resource provisioning framework by integrating new modules resourcescheduler, load balancer, resource tracker, and cloud user budget tracker in theresource provisioning process. Cloud providers can easily achieve scalability ofresources while performing resource provisioning by integrating the workingspecialty of these sub modules.
Keywords. Quality of Service,Scalability, Resource Provisioning, QoSparameters, Cloud Computing
Published On : 2023-06-15 Article Download : |