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Vijayaragavan M, Abhidhya.M, Vikneeswaran.K, Akshaya V.G


The ripened fruit is getting rotten day by day this examples


AI stochastic refers to the researchers who are interested in the area of NLP concerning statistical methods by the year 1970,they were even more classified in enhancing new area called logic-based paradigms that


signifies the present situation of the farmer. The demand for food is raising day by day but the profit for farmer is day by day lessening .This paper would give a Comparative analysis based on Concept of Machine learning incorporated with NLP. This paper which benefits both the producers and Consumers to know what to be cultivated next.This technologies could transform the sector, contributing to food, safety and the reduction of agricultural import and food waste. The data flow model would fluctuate the development of the agriculture sector. Through this Platform the NLP is used to give the input as the information and particular person can analysis the update and can plan the next based on the analysis.




Machine learning,, Data ,flow model, Natural Language Processing

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