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Strength and Durability Studies of Concrete Containing Waste Foundry Sand | |
Author Name Ashish Jain and Priyanka Dubey Abstract Due to ever increasing quantities of waste materials and industrial by-products, solid wastemanagement is the prime concern in the world.Scarcity of land-filling space and because of itsever increasing cost, recycling and utilization of industrial by-products and waste materials hasbecome an attractive proposition to disposal.There are several types of industrial by-productsand waste materials. The utilization of such materials in concrete not only makes it economical,but also helps in reducing disposal concerns. One such industrial by-product is Waste FoundrySand (SFS). WFS is major byproduct of metal casting industry and successfully used as a landfillingmaterialformanyyears.Butuseofwastefoundrysand(WFS)forlandfillingisbecoming a problem due to rapid increase in disposal cost. In an effort to use the WFS inconstructionmaterials,researchhasbeingcarriedoutforitspossible utilizationinmakingconcrete as partial replacement of fine aggregate. In India, approximately 1.71 million tons ofwaste foundry sand and in Punjab region, approximately 0.17 million tons of waste foundry isproducedyearly. This experimental investigation was performed to evaluate the strength and durability propertiesof M20 (30 MPa) and M30 (40 MPa) grades of concrete mixes, in which natural sand was partialreplaced with waste foundry sand (WFS). Natural sand was replaced with five percentage (0%,5%, 10%, 15%, 20%) of WFS by weight. A total of ten concrete mix proportions M-1, M-2, M-3, M-4 and M-5 for M20 grade of concrete and M-6, M-7, M-8, M-9 and M-10 for M30 grade ofconcrete with and without WFS were developed. Compression test, splitting tensile strength testandmodulusofelasticitywerecarriedouttoevaluatethestrengthpropertiesofconcreteattheage of 7, 28, 91 and 365 days. In non destructive testing, rebound hammer and ultrasonic pulsevelocity test were conducted at the age of 28, 91 and 365 days. In case of durability property,abrasion resistance, rapid Chloride Permeability and deicing salt scaling resistance was evaluatedattheageof28,91and365days.Statisticalanalysisandcomparativestudybetweenstrengthand durability properties of both grade of concrete (M20 and M30) were carried out at the age of28, 91 and 365 days. XRD study was done to identify the presence of various compounds in M20gradeof concrete withfoundrysandinvaryingpercentagesreplacement of fineaggregate.Test results showed that there is increase in compressive strength, splitting tensile strength andmodulus of elasticity for both grades of concrete mixes (M20 and M30) with inclusion of wastefoundry sand (WFS) up to 15% replacement. Resistance of concrete against abrasion (wear),rapid chloride permeability and deicing salt scaling were also improved for bothgrades ofconcrete mixes. Quality of concrete in term of homogeneity and uniformity were also improved.Results showed that there was better enhancement in strength and durability properties at 15%replacementoffineaggregate with WFS.
Published On : 2023-09-07 Article Download : |