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Study of self compacting concrete
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Shaikh Gulamrasul and Priyanka Dubey


SCC (Self-Compacting Concrete) was developed to enhance the resilience of concrete constructions. Since its inception, numerous studies have been conducted, and SCC has been successfully applied to real structures in Japan, particularly by prominent construction firms. Research has focused on establishing a rational mix-design technique and self-compactability testing methodologies to standardize SCC as regular concrete.


SCC is cast in a manner that eliminates the need for additional inner or exterior vibration during the compaction process. As a result, it exhibits a smooth surface and flows in a manner similar to honey. In comparison to traditional vibrated concrete, SCC requires a significant amount of powder content (either through fine aggregate or fillers) to achieve a homogeneous and cohesive mixture (Topcu&Uygunoglu, 2010).


According to Okamura & Ozawa (1995), self-compactability in SCC can be achieved through various methods, including increasing the fine aggregate content, reducing the maximum aggregate size, increasing the powder content, using viscosity-modifying admixtures (VMA), and decreasing the water-to-binder ratio by employing superplasticizer (SP). These strategies help optimize the self-compacting properties of the concrete mixture.


Key Words: Opening Area, Core Type Shear Wall, Shear Wall, Highest Importance Factor

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