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Value Based Education: A Significance Need for the Societal Development | |
Author Name Dr. Rajkumar Singh Principal, JES collage, Farhada Bilaspur, CG Abstract Values are essential. They help humanity to live in peace and harmony. Without values, a person floats like a piece of wood floating in the raging waters of a river. The whole worl cannot be a place worth living in if there are no values to be felt. Swami Vivekananda said
that if moral values also went along with the progress of science and technology, this earth would have been heaven. If knowledge were intelligence, libraries, and encyclopaedias would be saints and scholars. Today's Indian youth is a bit confused due to the bombardment of new technological devices, information explosion, and violent news by the press and media. To awaken the values, educational institutions should take the initiative to impart value-based spiritual knowledge to this new generation to organize their confused minds and make them
value-oriented-powerful leaders. The purpose of education in the context of social change is not only to provide information and teach skills to students but also to inculcate the values of humanism, democracy, socialism, secularism, and national unity. Values such as democracy
and human rights should be understood as fundamental principles for quality education. Keywords: Values, Education, Quality, Social Development
Published On : 2024-12-25 Article Download : |